Jessica Cottee

Dance Psychotherapy


"And then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom"

~ Anais Nin


I am discovering ways of working therapeutically and creatively with people to support the natural process of growing in consciousness.

Staying curious about what is trying to come into awareness takes courage and openness. Dance and movement give a direct route into what is wanting to be seen since the body is much closer to the unconscious than words are.

I am a fully qualified humanistic and integrative psychotherapist and a dancer, currently blending what I know. I aim to create spaces of joy, discovery and self-connection.

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My background as an IAHIP accredited Psychotherapist means my classes are trauma-informed and rooted in respect and acceptance. One advantage of dance as a healing tool is that a lot can be processed and expressed, so you can come to see your uniqueness, feel freer, and live more from your centre.


What I offer

Dance Class: A chance to slow down, to find your ground and to let your dances emerge from stillness. The theme of each class is different and has included: Embodied Imagination, Textures, Play and Composition.

Tuning In, Being Moved Workshops: Experiential workshops using elements of Butoh dance to increase sensitivity, encourage inner transformation, play, and explore the body’s impulses to move. My workshops formed part of the IAHIP 2018 and 2019 Workshop series, and the first Hybrid Vienna Butoh Art Festival in 2022.

Click here for more information.

Please contact me if you would like me to run this workshop at your organisation, therapy centre or business. 

Breath of Life: These breathwork workshops are experiential and transformational, allowing participants to experience themselves at deeper, more expansive levels of consciousness.

Please contact me or click here for further details.